Tracksmith: What’s New in 2025 for Shoes and Clothes
LettyRuns (MRP)December 08, 202400:04:54

Tracksmith: What’s New in 2025 for Shoes and Clothes

Let’s check out Tracksmith, learn about their shoes, how they organize their brand, and what’s new for them!
Skip through this:

0:00 Intro
0:16 Eliot Runner
0:46 Eliot Racer
1:35 Clothing

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My personal Strava (Letty Lundquist):

​​#Tracksmith #runninggear #shoereview #runningcommunity #runninglife #runningpodcast #marathontraining #endurancerunning #Tracksmithshoes #runnersworld #runningtips #racegear #runnerlife #stravarunners #marathonrunning #runningessentials #runningaddict #runningmotivation #runningculture #tracksmithracer
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