Teva: Shoe Lineup
LettyRuns (MRP)December 13, 202400:07:41

Teva: Shoe Lineup

(Notice Mike Wardian in the background - no big deal) Let’s check out Teva , how they organize their shoes, and what’s new!
Skip through this:

0:00 Intro
1:17 Aventrail Franchise
1:22 Aventrail Sandal
4:09 Aventrail Shoe
5:12 Aventrail R2T

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My personal Strava (Letty Lundquist):

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Teva, Teva Shoes, Teva Aventrail, running shoes, running shoe review, running gear, runner, running, running community, running tips, running advice, running motivation, trail running, ultra running, fitness, health, workout, sports, active lifestyle, new shoes, shoe review, product review, tech review, gear review, Aventrail Franchise, Aventrail Sandal, Aventrail Shoe, Aventrail R2T,