Here’s what we’ll cover:
A Skips: Boost coordination and warm up your hips.
B Skips: Activate hamstrings and knee drive.
Straight Legs: Prep your hamstrings for running.
Arm Swings: Loosen shoulders and arms.
Side Shuffle with Arm Swings: Warm up hips and lateral muscles.
Strides: Gradually build speed and prep your legs.
Karaoke Drills: Improve hip mobility and side movement.
Eversion/Inversion Walks: Strengthen your ankles.
High Skips: Build power and warm up calves.
Lunges (Forward, 45°, Lateral): Open hips and strengthen legs.
Walking Lunges with Stretch: Stretch and strengthen at the same time.
Hamstring Scoops: Stretch your hamstrings dynamically.
Hip Mobility (In/Up, Out/Down): Loosen up your hips.
Leg Swings: Warm up hips and legs for a full stride.
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Website: Marathon Running Podcast
The MUSIC I use: Artlist
#RunningDrills #DynamicWarmUp #TrackWorkout #RunnerTips #RunningForm #WarmUpExercises #TrackTraining #RunningMotivation #PreRunRoutine #HamstringStretch #HipMobility #Strides #RunnersLife #RunningCommunity #FitnessTips #MarathonRunningPodcast #ASkips #BSkips #StraightLegs #ArmSwings #SideShuffle #SideShuffleWithArmSwings #KaraokeDrills #EversionWalks #InversionWalks #HighSkips #Lunges #WalkingLunges #HamstringScoops #LegSwings #MobilityDrills #HipMobilityDrills #DynamicStretching #InjuryPrevention #SpeedTraining #TrackAndField #RunStrong #RunningWarmUp #AthleteLife #RunPrep #MarathonTraining #5KTraining #ActiveWarmUp #StrengthAndConditioning #LegDay #RunBetter #RunningExercises #RunReady #GetTrackReady
RunningDrills, DynamicWarmUp, TrackWorkout, RunnerTips, RunningForm, WarmUpExercises, TrackTraining, RunningMotivation, PreRunRoutine, HamstringStretch, HipMobility, Strides, RunnersLife, RunningCommunity, FitnessTips, MarathonRunningPodcast, ASkips, BSkips, StraightLegs, ArmSwings, SideShuffle, SideShuffleWithArmSwings, KaraokeDrills, EversionWalks, InversionWalks, HighSkips, Lunges, WalkingLunges, HamstringScoops, LegSwings, MobilityDrills, HipMobilityDrills, DynamicStretching, InjuryPrevention, SpeedTraining, TrackAndField, RunStrong,